Dream Job Turns To Nightmare for seafarers – As shipping companies face challenges

As ship crewing manning companies face challenges with crew change, seafarers job turns to a nightmare both to those at home and onboard ship in the sense that, the seaman onboard who already overdue for sign-off are no more looking for earnings but a chance to meet their loved ones again and have a little rest. While seamen’s who was trapped at home due to Covid-19 lockdown, are hoping to have a little chance to earn for their families support.

What happens next if solutions not provide for crew change?

Firstly, we most underrated that job at sea is not same on land, job at sea has it impacts health-wise. By keeping a seafarer who has worked for more than 9 months onboard might lead to destroying his or her past reputations, by misbehaving, disobeying job orders, mistakes caused by lack of concentration, etc.

Also read about, job at sea: 4 tips to help you choose a good shipping company

Having said that, crews who already overdue onboard could become very angry birds, resulting to fights onboard. It’s quite understand they knew it’s because of lockdown makes the shipping company not to change them, but the fact that his or her mental focus home, the home sick will always give an output without rethinking.

What solutions are to be recommend for crew change?

India which is now one of the leading country for global seafarer supplier after the first five which includes China,Indonesia, Philippines, Russian Federation and Ukraine, has allowed crewing manning companies to change seafarers in any of their respective ports if required. It’s a good example for to follow, but what about if the crew to be change is from other country? Should the ship change route because of that?. That becomes the biggest challenge to the ship management and owners.

Related post, Map: sea port global restrictions due to covid-19

Best recommendation is to reduce work pressure to such crews and give more rest hours till the lockdown opens.

How about seafarers who are still at home?

Thought as the new year 2020 launches, most of us might have calmed some wishes and make a few plans to be executed before the year ends. These plans might require finance or might be to earn some sea experience.

Unfortunately, along the way obstacles like COVID-19 comes as partially or totally stop to them. Never mind the best advice is do not give up, soon you will be on track again.

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