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Contact our press team

Write to us with your press inquiries.

What we’re looking for

With the below form, you may submit a rough draft maritime-related article, sea experience and photos, a partial draft, maritime news as it happens where you are, a short pitch (one or two paragraphs summarizing your argument and why it matters to our readers). The more complete your submission is, the better feedback we can give you. Please keep in mind that we only accept original content. We do not publish anything that’s been published elsewhere.

If you are work in the maritime field or got maritime-related stories to share with our audience, you are welcome to send press queries to our editorial team for review. Also, you can contact us for other inquiries important for you, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Contact Us For any inquiries or questions regarding our services.

For inquiries regarding seafarers’ assistance, maritime training and documentations, sea experience, American visa for seamen, and others. E-Mail:

Address: Afina 6th Floor, Office 625, Odesa, Ukraine.

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