Easy way to pass annual ship survey

Ship survey saver as a watchdog in the aspect of; maintenance, safety and long life of the ship. Therefore in this article, we are going to share ideas on the easy way to pass the annual survey.

Easy way to pass ship annual surveyEasy way to pass ship annual survey

Most of the ship management, owners, and even the ship operators do fell into a panic when the annual survey comes close.

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The panic always about the question, would the ship pass the annual ship survey? The answer is yes only if you can follow the secret instructions I’m going to share with you on this article.

The important things to do before annual ship survey :


1. Regular maintenance: most of the ship operators ( ship crews) are very lazy when it comes to maintaining the ship equipment. They always wait until the equipment develops a fault or when the annual ship survey gets close then that is the time to maintain the equipment… “NO” that is very wrong, you most always inspect and maintain them regularly. When you maintain them regularly, you will have more confidence in using the equipment, also have confirmation of the operational condition.

2. Cleaning: The officers on-board sometimes do not perform well in the area of ship cleaning. Ratings are given to you, to help in cleaning and maintenance of the ship…if you don’t tell them what to do, they will also keep calm and overlook them. Therefore your actions to take around for inspection of how your deck or engine room look is very important. This will help you to know the area which requires cleaning then assign them to your crews.

3. Painting and chipping: Chipping the rusted area or surface are very important on-board, it gives the material longer life also reduce expansion of the corrosion. Since the ship is always in contact with salt water, there are always possibilities of corrosive areas to surface. Therefore the earliest you chip and paint these areas, the easier it will become for you during any kind of inspection.

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4. Records: The act of maintaining records of last time you visited, inspect and perform maintenance on the ship equipment also help in confirmation about the working condition. Surveys do work with records and this shows them how serious are the ship management and owner, together with operators.

Main Article Objective

Now to come to the main objective of this article, I will say that the secret to pass annual ship survey is just to maintain the above listed.

Also, see read more on 10 Important Things To Check During Electro-Hydraulic Crane Inspections

Once you can confidently convince the survey officials that your equipment can operate properly and has gone through proper maintenance then you have your pass mark.


Don’t forget, where it’s too complicated, is when a survey onboard your ship to finds out manipulations of maintenance or operation of any equipment, he or she will find it very hard to believe or trust to satisfy the ship. Keep the ship clean, regularly scheduled maintenance and there you have your pass annual ship survey mark.

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John Emmanuel:
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