New Regulation for ships calling China ports

china data collection of energy consumption of ship

As China energy consumption report regulation came to enforce starting from 1st January 2019, Chinese maritime administration has in recent time published guidelines to enable ship operators, management, and owners to cooperate with the law.

This law which is meant for vessels operating within China territorial water and ships visiting Chinese seaports. The data collection for energy consumption of ships report is part of the effort to support global warming and climate control.

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Moreover, EU countries, the United States and other countries have been in lead since the beginning of the global warming project by creating special areas, low sulfur area, etc.

An important article to note about China data collection for energy consumption of ships (DCECS)

Article 2 of the regulation make it clear that the DCECS are for ships entering or leaving the ports of China of 400 gross tonnages and above or powered main propulsion machinery of 750 KW.

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Other articles also pointed to how the DCECS will be collected base on regular trading in Chinese ports. This starts between hourly, daily, monthly and yearly. See PDF file of Official announcement from China MSA (English Ver. Translated by CCS), China data collection for energy consumption of ships.

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