It was learnt that a heavy firefighting occurred according to this information, between pirates and military armed security personnel on board. Out of six security men onboard, 4 were killed and 2 injured, pirates managed to board drdger and kidnap 3 crew, including 2 Russians and 1 Indian leaving behind five sailors.

How the pirates attack happened
Hopper dredger AMBIKA was attacked by pirates at night Jan 2 2020 in Niger river mouth, Sea of Barri, according to Dryad Global information obtained from its’ source.
Dryad Global indicated the pirate attacked the 2,153 GRT Ambika as she was operating, aproximently 3 nautical miles from the mouth of the Niger River, which is just 9 nautical miles east of the Forcados Terminal in Nigeria, west African coast.
Dredger according to tracks, later resumed her works in river mouth. The dredger attack seems to be the first pirate report in this area of the West Africa this year 2020 which as well becomes the deadly one. Hopefully Nigeria and other West African communities will join hands to find a permanent solution to the pirates attacks in the region.
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