The maritime job is an interesting career absolutely different from other professions. According to statistics, the maritime industry provides massive and well-paid career opportunities worldwide.
Also, the most interesting thing about the maritime profession is you can travel around the world, as far you are good on the job, Change Company of your choice, always have the chance to look for better salary and comfortable working environment.
On like in the years back when mariners walk company to company looking for jobs. In the recent time, some online maritime jobs recruitment websites have made it easy for seafarers to search and apply for jobs right from home.
To help seafarers in searching offshore job, we do like to recommend these quality marine crewing websites where you can log in and file your CV for a chance to be haired.
As you may know, Marine and offshore insight is a blog to guide mariners, by sharing valuable information’s which can help your maritime career grow to new heights.
We understand that on the internet today, there are many fake websites which promise to recruit seafarers, but they are only there to deceive people.
Furthermore, we will continue to update this page from time to time as we receive more clear reviews about other websites, also will include them as well.
All that you need to do is visit the sites, register for free and upload your CV or create an online resume as we look forward to hearing good news from you.
Recommended maritime Jobs recruitment websites
They jobs both in the maritime sector and other fields inshore side, HR, project engineers, etc. read the teams and conditions on the site.
2. Maritime connector (English):
The most popular maritime job recruitment website, where you can find a quick job worldwide. You can also register your email with them, to receive direct connection of any available job in your country or state. For some other access, you might need to pay a monthly membership fee.
3. Maritime Union (English):
This is also one popular Marine crewing website, which even offers free services to hunt for a maritime job.
4. Ukra crewing (Russia):
One of the most famous maritime jobs website in Ukraine. The site is in the Russian language, but very useful for people from Russian speaking area. It covers not only Ukraine, but other formal USSR member’s states crewing companies like Ukraine, Russia, Estonia, Norway, etc. It’s free, but you can pay to move your application to the top for a week or more (for visibility).
5. gCaptain Maritime and Offshore Jobs ( English ) :
gCaptain is also one of the famous maritime and offshore jobs websites. There you can find kind of maritime and offshore available jobs worldwide.
6. All cruise jobs (English and others):
This maritime recruitment job website mainly provide more jobs on cruising shipping companies. If you work on a cruise ship, it’s a better site to get updates for new vacancies.
7. Find a Mariner (English):
This is a general website where you can find both onshore and offshore maritime jobs.
8. Seafarer Jobs (English) :
If you are from Asia, this maritime job site is the best for you. The offer better chances to fill up CV and get new jobs.
9. Jobs At Sea (English) :
It’s also a worldwide marine job website, were you can register your CV. cruise ship job can be find there .
10. Sea Job (English):
Indian seafarers job website, well know in Asia area.
In summary
There are other awesome job listing websites such as “Jooble” where you could look up for a suitable job at sea. You might got lucky for a good paid job if you never gave up searching. I hope with the above listed your next contract should be successful.
Note: We only recommend this websites, as some of our marine and offshore insight team members in the past got calls from companies via the websites mention above. We therefore do not ask you to pay anyone for jobs, or find this article as an advert for the sites or ranking.
You can share more ideas or recommended sites in the COMMENT BOX below.
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