Ship near miss report: Here are emxples of what is considered as near miss

Preparing Ship near miss report and processing investigation necessary action is very important on board all vessels. This is to caution ship accidents which may result in potential loss of life and properties at sea.

You may be familiar with how near miss investigation form looks like. In the other hands, knowing the proper way of reporting ship near miss will create a valuable assistance to the fleet management for ensuring that such occurrence doesn’t repeat again. learn more  Ship Board Safety And Emergency Orientation

What do we consider as ship near miss?

A near miss in shipping are some errors or occurrence, arrested on time. They are mostly accidents which might have caused by human error or due to equipment failure.

Example: As reported 08.12.2012 by Wellington harbor about a near miss where “A GPS course “grossly in error”, the container ship AAL Brisbane was on track for a near-miss with a Pencarrow Rock before the harbor pilot came on board, noticed the mistake and adjusted the course, avoiding a grounding”.

With the above example, you will understand that without the pilot getting onboard, there are possibilities for the ship running into the rock.

Another example: when an engine room watch keeper slept off at night with fuel oil Purifier running, and the tank gets full and started to overflow before an AB on watch notice it from the air vent and call engine room.

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Without stopping the Purifier on time and reduce the tank level, you will also understand that the ship might have been in danger of oil pollution. Also, see  Five important safety measures you need to know onboard ship.

How do you report ship near miss ?

Every marine company is mandated to have it ship flag recommended form. The captain and chief engineer must carefully fill.

On the form is to include; cause of the incident, how the incident was arrested, a recommendation which will prevent future occurrence, etc.

It’s the ship management responsibility to report to the flag state if necessary or send to other fleet ships for cautions.

You can download take a look of a ship near-miss report form format.

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John Emmanuel:
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