UPDATES: The burning Sanchi Drifts into Japanese exclusive economic zone

UPDATES: The burning Sanchi Drifts into Japanese exclusive economic zoneUPDATES: The burning Sanchi Drifts into Japanese exclusive economic zone


According to Reuters, the burning Iranian tanker which collided with the Hong Kong bulk carrier on January 6, off 96km Chinese water, has been forced to drift to Japanese water.

Following the reports released on January 12th, it shows the force winds pushes Sanchi, up to 300km of the Japanese exclusive economic zone.

The report also says that the tanker ship’s 31 of 32 crew members remain unaccounted for since the collision on 6th. One body has been recovered from the wreck and sent for identification.

The owner of the ship, National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC), believes there might be survivors on board the company’s stricken vessel.

According to a company spokesperson, “since the vessel’s engine room is not directly affected by the fire and is about 14 meters underwater, there is still hope, as the crew is likely to have found shelter there”.

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A useful update will be posted as received. we pray and hope for other 31 crews to be safe. Please do drop your comment or send us an email at ( info@marineandoffshoreinsight.com ) for any update regarding that.


Note The information regarding this news, was published on our facebook page.

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