INDoS introduction of online verification of COC

The Indian Directorate of Shipping (INDoS) has introduced direct online verification of seafarers Certificate Of Competency (COC)

Following the guidelines, the online verification can only identify the names of the holder and may not give more details other than that.

Also, See: online verification of ukrainian certificate competency (COC).

However, if you wish to have more detailed information, the individual or marine registered company can send email to INDoS, following the old format of COC verification.

Base on the above, it’s very easy to confirm any invalid or fake licence holder. Also help indian seafarers and other foreign students from submitting their self to fraudulent activities by some marine agents.

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Note: for the ratings, COP can as well be check online. Therefore browser through and check your cop before submission.

Earlier development for Indian seamen

Last year, INDoS introduce guidelines on how marine companies or crewing agency who wish to employ Indian citizens onboard coastal or foreign going vessels. The DG office provided a checklist form titled “citizens charter” which can be downloaded via INDoS official website.

The two ways verification before boarding ship is to maintain safety of Indian crew, as well as protect them from non paying companies.

Related Read: Chinese New regulation for ships calling china ports

More information can be found on the links provided above. We recommend our Indian crews and agency to follow guidelines and work self.

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