The recent amendments to SOLAS Regulation II-1/3-8, effective from 1 January 2024,have introduced critical new requirements for mooring operations across all ships.
On regulations, are listed procedure and marine guides which includes; Circulars 1175/Rev.1,1619 and 1620, emphasize the importance of maintaining and inspecting mooring equipment to enhance safety and mitigate risks during vessel mooring activities.
As maritime operators adapt to these changes, implementing robust procedures and integrating them into Safety Management Systems (SMS) are essential steps toensure compliance and safeguard against potential accidents or incidents related to mooring operations onboard vessels.
Furthermore, the following procedures must be reflected and implemented in the vessel’s SMS, no later than the first ship safety construction survey after 1January 2024.
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Inspection and maintenance of mooring equipments:
- Inspections should be conducted by trained personnel who are capable of identifying potential issues or defects.
- Mooring equipment should be subjected to regular inspections as part of the vessel’s on board maintenance plan.
- Inspections should encompass visual assessments,physical examinations and if necessary,non-destructive testing techniques to assess the structural integrity of mooring lines.
- The full findings from the inspection should be documented, including any recommendations for repairs, replacements, or adjustments to the mooring arrangement plan.
Control and Identification of mooring lines:
- If any defects are identified on the mooring line, an immediate measures should be taken to mitigate risks, such as replacing damaged lines or adjusting mooring configurations..
- Regular inspections should be conducted to assess the condition of the mooring lines,including any presence of fraying, abrasions, and/or weakening area.
- Also every mooring rope should be clearly identified, labeled, and logged to facilitate fast and easy identification and monitoring.
Replacement of mooring rope:
- A clear procedures for replacement of mooring ropes should be outlined, specifying the step by step for safely removing and disposing of old mooring lines.
- A newly installed mooring rope should undergo rigorous testing and inspection before being put into operations.
Commencement and during mooring operations, things to check:
- Before starting mooring operations ship crew to make sure an adequate communication and coordination among other crew members involved in the mooring operations are paramount to minimize the risk of accidents.
- A thorough assessment of environmental conditions, including; tide, swell and wind direction, should be conducted to anticipate potential challenges, and smooth operations
- Proper check on the machineries/equipment and techniques should be used for securing mooring ropes to bollards andcleats points on the ashore and vessel.
Hope this guide helps to update you on the new regulation. Work and return home safe.
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