Seafarers arrested abroad for illegality

arrested - A sailor crime , lead to jail , law guiding seafarersarrested - A sailor crime , lead to jail , law guiding seafarers

photo edited from maritime law enforcement website. all right reserved Jailing crime by seafarers

Seafaers arrested: According to the resent statistics release in Greece, Italy and a number of other countries, it indicates that thousands of seafarers are being detained while some awaiting sentences in criminal cases.

The information also pointed out that over 450 sailors of different nationalities have already been convicted.

Not only from the EU countries but also the problem of criminalization in the field of shipping is increasingly spreading globally. Therefore all hands should be on deck to intercept and/or stop the innocent seafarers from getting into unknown criminal cases.

Having said that, in this article we are to discuss ways to avoid getting into trouble or committing a crime abroad while boarding a ship.

Firstly, there are a number of signs that will help sailors to review recruiters or crewing company authenticity.

How to identify criminal marine agencies?

1. A recruiter calling from an unusual number.

Most criminal recruiters are afraid of reviewing more detailed information, therefore they will always make a phone call from a stranger mobile number to you, then says that he or she is a crewing agency or a representative of the shipowner. He found your phone on the job resume site, social media, or received a mass mailing from your application form (CV). You are unlikely to succeed in reaching such people yourself. When you got such call,try to verify properly before committing yourself with them. See 4 important ways to unveil scam Job

2. Confirm their reputation and base.

In other hands, seafarers job is a type of mobile job. it’s still possible you might receive a call from a stranger with a job offer, of course, is not a reason for panic, because, for this purpose, websites of resume-vacancies or mass mailings are created. It does not hurt to ask where exactly the person call you took your contacts information. Make Inquire if the caller works with the site or mailing source on an ongoing basis. also, try to check if you really upload your resume on the location said. Can the site confirm the caller’s reputation, is there any information about the caller on the site in the “Employers” section? The more such questions you ask, the easier it will be to figure out who is really calling; an employer or a criminal recruiter. We have in the previous article discuss the reason to avoid some marine job vacancy posted in social media, be sure about the jobs you sign up with.

3. Verify License validity.

Once you are offered to meet in a cafe, on the street, at the station, then this is a reason to be worried about. Moreover, there are a lot of ways to convince you to meeting outside the office. For example, “I have a flight in two hours to Dubai or somewhere else, let’s meet at the airport so as not to delay you boarding.

Now, don’t hesitate to ask about the license of his or her agency. This license requires the official registration of a legal entity, the presence of an office, written information about working conditions on a ship, the pro forma of an employment contract, a collective agreement with the trade union (if any), a foreign economic agreement with a foreign employer. A criminal recruiter will not be able to arrange all this, he cannot.

another method for Example “I work for the firm” xyz “which has a license, and send through them.” Yes, there are such options; then ask together to drive up to that company “xyz” and talk with a representative of the company in the office. watch at the reaction.

4. Ship verification

Before joining any ship recommended to you by marine agent, try to verify;

  • Company paying salary on time or not.
  • Company rating.
  • ship trading area.
  • make sure the ship is not engaged on illegal operations. Eg illegal bunkering, illegal cargo, etc. Check listed five Best Free ship tracking websites

The above check list will assist you to be safe and earn safely.

How to avoid immigration and customs problem?

1. Luggage carriage

To all seafarers, this point is very important because it has lead many seamen into jail.

When you are traveling to join a ship, never you carry unknown luggage from an agent or a friend. Once the luggage contains prohibited object, drug or equipment, then you will be in trouble.

2. Documents verification

Before purchasing a flight ticket as recommended by the fake agent ( to receive money back onboard), make sure you verify the visa and another letter authenticity.

Sometimes fake agents charge high agency fee and promise a high salary. From the money charged, the will organize fake documents and buy an original ticket since flight ticket is easy to verify online.

Related post: 10 Recommended Maritime Jobs Recruitment websites

Therefore, the best for you is to confirm all documents with your local authority.

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