Comprehensive Questions and Answers for CES 4.1 and CES 5.0.Designed for maritime professionals and aspiring seafarers, this comprehensive resource aims to enhance knowledge and preparation for the CES exams.


As they use to say, Practice makes perfect .... Here we have made it simple to run easy CES test online for training purposes... Please note, the questions might be different from that of your examiner .... Only some words has been changed from the original one.

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International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the protocol of 1978. Our Marine Test help for you exam and interview. Click to start MARPOL quiz

MARPOL – Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Take MARPOL 73/78 Convention quiz here

CES 5.0 For Engine officers

CES 5.0 Test Questions and Answers

CES 5.0 Seagull online test : Pass free CES-tests for seafarers online. Select the correct answer, answer all the questions of the test, after which you can find out the right answer, Re-try if required.

CES 4.1 (Competence Evaluation System) : Marine Torrent Tracker Interface language: English only Tablet: Not required Description: Used by maritime crewing companies to test seafarers when applying for a job.

Multimedia program with sound. Testing is now a requirement for all sailors, ratings and officers. The test is also necessary for those who want to increase the level from operational to administrative.

To pass this test, you need to select the following sections: Section STCW ’95 Depending on the position you occupy, you need to select the level of responsibility: Support – for ordinary sailors; Operational – operational level .

Additional information: Password: “ADMIN” or “admin” Serial Number: 909496-98-49135

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