IMO 2020: Worldwide Scrubber washwater restrictions

IMO 2020 gas scrubber

#Globalwarming #IMO

The IMO considers exhaust gas scrubbers to be an acceptable means of reducing vessels’ sulphur emissions and ensuring compliance with MARPOL Annex VI.

A separate guideline, Resolution MEPC.259(68), specifies the requirements for the verification, testing, survey and certification of scrubber systems and sets out the criteria for discharging scrubber washwater into the sea.

Related read: MARPOL Annex VI Quick Guide On IAPP And EIAPP certificates

However, some coastal states and ports have implemented local regulations with more stringent requirements that restrict or completely prohibit the discharge of washwater from open loop scrubbers or prohibit the use of scrubbers.

It’s currently aware of the following regions/states/ports with local regulations that have an effect on the discharge of exhaust gas scrubber washwater, actually the list should not be considered as complete.

Read more about the coastal states and ports local implementation via: maritime Cyprus news forum article.

Although as the 2020 kick off date approaches, more updates will be publish for more understanding and compliance.

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