Offshore and Onshore Job Applicants

Offshore and Onshore Job applicant

Most offshore and onshore JOB applicants do not understand the logic or strategy to have the job of there choice, I would like to share this piece of advice with you. Many Seafarers both with experience and none experience tell me they have sent out more than 200 CV and haven’t received any responses.

Believe me, all of this is like playing the lottery, relaxing at home and hoping to win. No, it doesn’t work out that way.

The truth is most crewing companies and agent do receive 100’s of CV just like yours and many CV go to the rejection pile unread.

What you need to do is NETWORK. Talk to 100 people in your Linkedin network and/or direct marine crewing agent, a shipping company in your neighborhood rather than apply for 100 jobs via job boards.


Also, read more on How to start a career in the merchant navy?


Networking is the only way to bypass the bias filters (Overqualified, Employment Gap) in automated systems.

The door won’t open automatically, you will have to push your way in! Pick up the phone, attend job fairs, meet people. Another truth you have to have in mind is many individuals are hired due to familiarity rather than actual merit and many jobs are not posted externally.

About 85% of all Jobs are filled via Networking. As the saying goes, “It’s Not What You Know, But Who Knows You.”

Spray like an engine fuel nozzle, let the cylinder feel you’re incoming and you will move the crank. Remember it’s not how many “No’s” you got. It only takes one “YES ” to win the goals.

Related post: 10 Recommended Maritime Jobs Recruitment websites

I hope this article will give you courage and confidence that what you are looking from far, is there close to you. Subscribe, share and join with our team for more such article.

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