On this article we will share with you Map with marked special areas as per International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78).
Also information about where to discharge oily mixtures, ballast water and what kind of garbage can be thrown overboard on these area.
For your information, the International Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Ships, 1973, amended and supplemented in accordance with the Protocol of 1978, formally referred to as MARPOL 73/78
What is the meaning of special area as per MARPOL 73/78?
As per MARPOL definition, “Special areas means sea area where for recognized technical reasons in relation to its oceanographically and ecological condition and to the particular character of its traffic the adoption of special mandatory methods for the prevention of sea pollution by Garbage /Oil/ Noxious Liquid Substances (NLS)/ ballast water is required”
The Air Pollution control which lastly came into enforcement also contributed to more specification on what areas to use high or low Sulphur fuel oil rules as stated on Annex VI. The Annex VI Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships provides certain Sulphur oxide (Sox) Emission Control Areas with more stringent controls on high Sulphur emissions and nitrogen oxides (NOx) Emission Control Areas for Tier III NOx emission accepted.
Special areas for Annexes VI, are as followed:
United States
Caribbean Sea ECA
(NOx, SOx and PM)
Baltic Sea (SOx, NOx)
North Sea (SOx, NOx)
North American ECA
(NOx, SOx and PM)
Related post MARPOL Annex VI Quick Guide On IAPP And EIAPP certificates
The special areas as per Annexes V, are as followed:
Antarctic Area (south of latitude 60 degrees south)
Black sea area
Red sea area
Gulf area
Mediterranean Sea area
Baltic Sea area
North Sea area
The special areas as per Annexe I, are as followed:
The Red sea area
The Gulf area
Gulf of Aden area
Oman area of the Arabian Sea
Southern South African Water
Mediterranean Sea area
Baltic Sea area
Black sea area
Antarctic Area
North-West European Waters
For clear understanding of the locations; Download map of speacial area.
We hope this helps and don’t forget to subscribe for more updates and newsletters below.
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