God bless Africans with a very good weather conditions, minerals resources, etc. But today, due to improper handling of those resources and her environments, it seems they are the poorest in the world.
In West African Maritime environment, the rate of water and atmospheric pollution is very high in the sense that, the poor once who make there daily earnings or feeds via fishing find it very hard to catch even one Kg of fish per day.
There you can see many ships who do not use any oil separator or even use there seawage system plant. To bring the count, 90% of ships in some West African countries pumps oil directly to the inland water ways, at seaport, oceans etc. The question remains, ” what are the authorities saying about these issues?”
To my own view, I believe the authorities are part of the pollutions, both by flaming gasses to the atmosphere, pumping oily waters to the rivers and inland waters, etc. in this case you will never blame or challenge any foreigner who also do the same.
The world today are fighting on global warming issues, but it seems negative and unconcerned to this part of the world.
My idea is, if they can reduce the rate of environmental pollution, it will greatly save the future generations from being harm or face difficulties. Say no to any form of environmental pollution, save the world and save your health. Take the proper procedures for your Discharges to water.
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