Here are Required sea experience you need for your upgrading from cadet to officer, officer lower rank to
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 Here are Required sea experience you need for your upgrading from cadet to officer, officer lower rank to
A bulk carrier ship “MV Jin Hai Xiang” while undergoing repairs at Rongcheng Longyan Port, near shandong, China
A major fire erupted onboard a container ship (KMTC HONGKONG) berthed at Laem Chabang, Thailand, at around 0600
God bless Africans with a very good weather conditions, minerals resources, etc. But today, due to improper handling
Eight pirates was arrested while trying to escape with a tanker vessel hijacked off port of Lome. This
It was learnt that a heavy firefighting occurred according to this information, between pirates and military armed security
6 months OOW course: Introducing new opportunity for all intending seafarers who desire to have a successful career
To our crews and audience, see below the free online CES 4.1 and STA 4.0 marine test and
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Ship under arrest is simply preventing a ship in question from leaving port or country’s territory water. Meaning
Ship survey saver as a watchdog in the aspect of; maintenance, safety and long life of the ship.
Unlike other careers, Cadetship in the maritime field is the act of young personnel undergoing preliminary training onboard
Sometimes, people do mix up the difference between Weather-tight and Watertight Doors. I was onboard a ship for
These are 10 Important Things To Check During Electro Hydraulic Crane Inspections. In most ships, you may find
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