New tips on How to respond to flood incident on ship

flood incident : Ship water ingress

No one pray or expects something like a flood incident onboard ship, fire, and other ship emergencies.


But sometimes they do occur, and required one to be well informed and know more regarding what to do during flood incident.

In the earlier ages of shipping, when shipbuilding technology has not advanced to the present level, ships are built with a single bottom and therefore place a high risk or direct ingress in case of leakage on the hull.

In the recent shipbuilding technology, the error has been amended and reduce flood incident. But still, sometimes we may have ingress of water to the double bottom space… Which with time, it can find its way to the deep tanks or compartment.

Immediate response to flood incident on ship


1) Duty officer to inform the master immediatly.

2) Ship emergency signal should be sounded for stations muster

3) All watertight doors should be closed to avoid ingress to other compartments

4) If under way, duty officer should slow down the main engine and stop as required.

5) Master should inform the head office

6) If becomes uncontrollable, survival crafts and other lifesaving appliances should be prepared for use.

7) In the case of (6), Crew should muster to damage control stations or life boat stations, head count one more time.


Related post: Ship crew responsibility during an emergency!


How to avoid flood incidents onboard ship and boat.


To keep in check, ship crews need to sound the tanks at least twice a day, keeping the records of the levels, visit and check compartments that are not regularly visited.

In doing these, you can easily know when you have increased in water level or flood incident in a compartment.

Once found a flood in a compartment or increase in tank level, it’s important to quickly lock the compartment or tank, alert the officer on duty or report for assistance.

Make an arrangement to start the bilge pump or pump attached to the tank to keep the tank or compartment dry, visit and find out the leaked area after passing due safety process of enclosing space entering.

When the points are being found, make a report which indicates the location, size, and gives some clear photos. This information will enable the underwater welders or in drydock to fix the issue completely.

Hope this little information will benefit someone out there.

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